Part 15: Episode XV: Casual Discourse on Somniloquy

Episode XV: Casual Discourse on Somniloquy

Music: Blow Up
Welcome back to the world map. While previously, we were in a vague "Plains" area and a fictional rural village in said region, Fengtian and Dalian are both real places. So, it seems the gang has managed to fly in the ballpark of 400 km between chapters. Not bad for a plane that looked like it could barely lift-off and almost assuredly wasn't topped off on its fuel.
It seems our band, or at the very least Yuri, has managed to jog 21 miles since our adventure began. Not a bad work-out. I think 1 step = 1 yard in the game's calculations. Or maybe more correctly one meter. I'd hazard a guess that wasn't originally in Imperial and the localization didn't rejigger the calculations for an optional menu few people likely looked at and has zero impact on the game proper
Badger Devil sounds hardcore.
In any case, let's jump on into Dark Port Dalian In a bit. First, a flashback!
Sound of footsteps in the grass.

New Music: Tanjou

We join Yuri's dad smacking a hoe into a hill to seemingly no effect while wearing his full military uniform. Look, he's trying really hard to farm and is too proud to admit he has absolutely no idea what the hell he is doing. Also, he's quite concerned about the sun going supernova back there.
Young Yuri runs up to him. Kid, you're wearing that fox mask wrong
Papa Hyuga stops tilling the hill, wipes his brow and looks to see what his son wants.

Yuri trots around and looks over the area.


The two take off back towards their home as the scene ends. I don't think they say Yuri's father's name for some time. For some reason, they localized it as Ben Hyuga. His original name was Jinpachiro Hyuga and that's what they use when he's mentioned in Shadow Hearts 2. No idea why they changed it here.
Music ENDS.
Now for a brief Mysterious Voice intermission. And then

Music: Rice Field of Light


I'm sure it'll be fine. They're just overreacting.
See? Margarete pulled it up just in time. Now they just need to find somewhere to land and

AWW CHRIST! Well, at least the entire party seemingly eating shit and dying again is a good excuse to end things short. I need to go prep for my daughter's birthday. Frikkin' sixteen. What the hell!?

Video: Episode 15 Highlight Reel (You should probably watch this.)